Thursday, January 15, 2009

So yeah...

Alrighty lets get this show on the road. I've never actually kept a blog and have in the past never liked reading them much. Ok maybe that was a little harsh. Actually I kind of like the idea os having some one reading my thoughts and ideas and hanging onto my every word, thats kind of why i'm choosing journalism as a major. On the other hand I dispise having people beg me to read their blog and comment on their oh so tender picture of their children or pets.

Enough prattle, I think i'll start now. So i've been unemployed for about two weeks now, I recently quit working for Freedom Wireless for several reasons. The first reason being that I was tired of working, I know who isn't right? but i've been working there since about 3 weeks after I got home from my mission back in March 06! I know right! Almost three years at the same job is kind of increadble for some one my age. I also quit because I'm tired of trying to hock products onto people, especially without being a direct location, trying to sell some one a product with your hands tied down by Verizons Indirect sales restrictions is like trying to tell with a gag on your mouth.

I've been wanting to quit for years, literaly YEARS! However the job was sweet the pay was decent especially when you consider the work to pay ratio. I remeber telling my friend Caitlin a while back how badly I hated my job and how depressing it was to drive 30 minutes to and from every day to go do something I hated doing. I just got a letter from my friend Caitlin a month or two ago and she come home from her mission in March, and here I was stuck in the same place doing the exact same thing. Not so cool as I thought I was.

Which brings me back today, sitting in my appartment, I woke up about 3 hours ago and I think now that my homework is finished i'm gonna go kill some Ninja's in Ninja Gaiden 2 for my xBox 360. Life is good!

My roomate travis and I plan to go sell our plasma some time this week, I'm kinda apprehensive about that as I dont relish the idea of a 19 year old college student jacking up my veins in an attempt to learn how to administer a shot. Bills do pay them selves though so I'm just gonna have to buck and do it. So look forward to that post next time.


1 comment:

  1. Yay another blog to read. This should be interesting. I'm excited to see the inner workings of my most mysterious brother.
