Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Father on Facebook?

It's more likely than you may think. So last Sunday dad wanted me to help him learn how to use Facebook, so he could try to use it for advocacy and other things of its ilk that our father is so prone to do. So I sat down with him and after showing him a few basic things I figured it was time to get him some friends.

I guided him to the search friends function and had him look for my by name. It brought up 3 differant Brad Kinsels much to my bewildered fathers amazement. He was so shocked that there would be other Kinsels out there that he didn't know, he insisted on looking at the friends of each one to see if he recognized any differant faces. I dont think dad had relized the magnitude that is Facebook until about then. I know Kinsel isn't a common name, in fact there are only a few places in most of the US where the name even comes up in census information.

All that aside, we finally got navigated to my page, and the first and only thing dad could comment on was how terrible my profile picture was, a simple phone shot that in dads words "makes my nose looks 3x its normal size." Thanks dad. The next thing he couldn't get around was the status updates, mine happened to be at the time "Brad is not threatening to kill you" which for the awesomely educated is a quote from the game Portal In all it was a funny experiance to see him try to come to terms what us "youngsters" do with our time online. So if you seen him write on your wall make sure to write something back.

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