Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just say no to Disney...

Ok I have a bone to pick with the Disney corporation. I refuse to wear anything with your name on it. Unless you're extremely young or very very adorably old then it is never ever ever ok to wear a giant Mickey Mouse emblazoned across your chest for all the world to see.

I dont know what it is, but I just cant take a person seriously who wears somthing like that. It's as if they are saying to me, "I hate you and i'm forcing you to hate me by my poor choice in clothing." Maybe I was just raised better than that.

Let me give you an example of this in my real life. Now i've always had this prejudice aginst Disney. In one of my comms classes i'm working on a group project with a girl who wears somthing like this about every day(Looney Tunes clothing is up there too by the way) every time she talks I just want to smack her in the back of the head and tell her to go change.

Ok maybe its not as bad as i'm making it seem to be, but really people...just say no to Disney.


  1. HEY! My favorite hat is a Mickey Mouse hat. I guess Brad has never taken me seriously though. But at least mine was not colorful, it looked like a normal hat and you actually had to look closely to tell it was Mickey Mouse. Either way, I'm not on Brad's favorite list anyway so might as well add this to the list. I won't say no to Disney, in fact, I'm going there in March! So HA! I'm going to Disneyland and you're jealous!

  2. You're right, I've never taken you seriously.

